Apple wine, as it is called Estonia, has been a natural part of Estonian culture for as long as anybody remembers. Every garden in Estonia has an apple tree, granny’s and grandpa’s garden has tens. Every second year there’s a natural disaster with gardens drowning in apples. Regardless of the regime in power, home engineered mills and presses have always been at work, shared with neighbors and passed on to the next generation. Large parts of Estonia lay on a layer of limestone and the soil is generally rocky with limestone outcrops, just like in some of the best cider producing regions of South-West England and Normandy. Estonian summer is usually short but autumns can be long, producing perfect less watery fruits full of flavors. Jaanihanso, a family owned cider house and orchard, was founded in 2013 by Alvar and Veronika Roosimaa on a historic countryside farm that dates back to 18th century. Their “cider philosophy” is based on a principle that cider is a natural product and the more that can be preserved of the natural in the final product the better and more complex it is. They try to nurture the natural fermentation for as long as possible into the process, add only what is absolutely necessary, and give the cider plenty of time to develop. Their focus is on bottle fermented traditional method cider and we are are stoked to have these full flavored and extremely unique ciders available for you!
Learn more at http://www.jaanihanso.ee/en/