Brewed by Brasserie a Vapeur, the last brewery that uses steam powered equipment which originated in the last century to brew its world classic Saison de Pipaix. The steam provides not only the heat but also the power for the brewing operation which uses belt driven equipment that goes back all the way to 1896. Brasserie a Vapeur only brews 33 bbl[= 5,333 bottles] once a month on the last Saturday of each month.
The brewery began as part of a farmstead, the landowners would brew their Saison to sustain the thirsty farm hands that would work the farm during the fall harvest. Over many years, the brewery, then called Brasserie Cueliers, began selling the surplus beer to people in the town, other farmers, and small taverns.
In 1895 the brewery was modernized to the technology of the time. The steam engine, which still runs the brewing process to this day, was installed. The brewery ran through german occupation and subsequent liberation. In 1984, it was in a state of disrepair, and it’s owner had fallen ill.
In 1985, the brewery was purchased by its current owner and brewer, Jean Louis Ditz, a history teacher. His plan was to preserve this historical brewery, and keep its beer, the Saison de Pipaix, still in production. They brewery needed enormous amounts of repair, but they kept the original machinery, and are now the only brewery in Europe that still brews with steam powered equipment.
Learn more at https://www.vapeur.com/vap01e.html